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Support The Site is run by one person – me, Micah! :-) It’s my little baby, borne out of my lifelong love of all things Hollywood and wanting to pay tribute to all the amazing movies out there. It started as just a small website, but it has now grown beyond my wildest dreams. With nearly 200 cap galleries and a quarter of a million screencaps, the site now gets nearly 100,000 visitors every month, who all together view more than 1,5 million pages! Crazy, right?? And the request are still streaming in, I receive an average of 3 requests for new movies every single day.

So, all that means that my little baby, beloved as it is, is also a very expensive baby. The web hosting for this site isn’t cheap, but even worse is the sheer number of new DVDs and BluRay Discs I buy every month to fulfill requests. Some people have told me that I should just download the movies for free – but that just goes against everything this website stands for. How can I pay tribute to the amazing animation and great story-telling done in these movies, if I download them illegally? No – I made the choice to purchase them, legally. The animators and studios deserve that. Plus, not to mention that downloaded movies have had all kinds of compression applied to reduce the file size, which leads to lesser-quality caps. The best caps possible are always gotten straight of the discs themselves.

The consequence of this, is that financially it’s becoming harder for me to maintain the site *and* buy new DVDs. So, I’m asking you, one of the 100,000 that visit every month, to consider supporting the site. If only 8 people make a $10 donation every month, or if only 4 people sign up to be a Premium member, I can buy a new BluRay disc every week. So if you enjoy the website and you are making requests for me to add new galleries, please consider helping me buy the discs by making a one-off donation in the amount of your choice, or becoming a Premium Member for $25 a year. Thank you so much in advance for your help with the site! :)

Make a one-off Donation below


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