The Princess Bride (1987)
A kindly grandfather sits down with his ill grandson and reads him a story. The story is one that has been passed down from father to son for generations. As the grandfather reads the story, the action comes alive. The story is a classic tale of love and adventure as the beautiful Buttercup, engaged to the odious Prince Humperdinck, is kidnapped and held against her will in order to start a war, It is up to Westley (her childhood beau, now returned as the Dread Pirate Roberts) to save her. On the way he meets a thief and his hired helpers, an accomplished swordsman and a huge, super strong giant, both of whom become Westley’s companions in his quest.
These are awesome, thank you!
“There was a great (mighty?) battle” Prince Humperdink, also me waking up to see what havoc my kittens have caused in the night…
Thank-you so much for uploading all these quality caps! It’s difficult to find such clear screenshots of niche scenes without downloading the movie yourself nowadays, so you guys really helped me out! I was able to make a picspam using four of your images at https://sunmetmoon.tumblr.com/post/174008978842/you-think-this-happens-every-day , and once again, thank-you to the moon and back!