Where are all the caps?
On February 25, 2013, the webserver this site was hosted on, failed in a rather catastrophic way (technical details below). All data on the servers plus all the daily backups were lost. All that is left, is what I had saved on my personal computer – this includes a lot of recent cap galleries, but nothing that I added more than 3 months ago – which equals around 100 movies.
These missing movies will be back. It might take a while to get back to where we were – but I’ll do my best to make it happen.
Sorry for the invoncenience, everyone! :-(
Technical details: the webserver this site is on, consists of a RAID 1 array with 2x 2TB drives. The main drive failed on February 25 2013, which is not normally a disaster, as the second drive in the RAID array provides backups and redundancies. However, while the tech support staff was copying the files over from the backup drive to the new main drive, it also became corrupted, and in spite of various attempts, they were not able to salvage any of the data on the broken main drive or the broken backup drive. Both drives in the array have now been replaced with shiny new versions – just wiped empty, unfortunately.
Please make a screencaps Robin Hood: Men in tights.
Update Broken Arrow 1996
where are the “Star Trek Into Darkness” ? Please Please Please can you do them
Can you do Annie A Royal Adventure? Please and thank you!
What happened to the caps concerning “The New Adventures of Pippi Longstocking?” I can’t seem to get find them in there.
Can you try to get Screencaps for Man of Steel staring Henry Cavill, Russell Crowe, Amy Adams and Michael Shannon please respond me back if you can.
Please make a screencaps The Ring Two :)
would you able to do screencaps of Snakes on a plane (2006) and cold hearts (1999) please
I would love to see Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events,Casper 1995, and both the Addams Family movies back on here please. I also would like to request some Shirley Temple movies,more period dramas like Charles Dickens,Jane Austin ,Jane Eyre,Wuthering Heights,Spiderwick Chronicles,Samantha an American Girl Holiday,Love Comes Softly saga,Addams Family Reunion,Rose Hill,Miracle Worker 1962 and 2000 versions,The Secret of The Roan Inish,Fly Away Home,Home Alone movies,Phantom of the Opera 2004,School Of Rock,The Three Lives of Thomasina,Christmas With The Kranks,and 2 of the Percy Jackson movies .
I hope you’re not mad at me.
Tnx for the website by the way, I lov it! and can you also do screencaps on snakes on a plane 2006 please
Really great website. I wanted to request a couple of movies that I can’t finds caps for anywhere else. First is Die Hard 1-5. I can’t find them anywhere, so I would like to have the five Die Hards in 1080p. Next is the Lord of the Rings movies. It would be great if you could put them on this website since I can’t find them anywhere either. The other movie is The Matrix. It would be great to have just the first movie in 1080p. Thanks a lot.
I have an account here and i tried getting in… but i forgot my password and i tried to request for it to be recovered… it told me check my email… and i never got it. It has not come. I don’t know my password. and it’s not giving me a recover…
I sent you two emails regarding some movies I requested, but haven’t gotten a response yet. Is it more work problems, or something else? You have my email, please tell me what’s going on here.
Hey are the “Star Trek Into Darkness” screencaps comming soon? I have seen a couple other capping sites have them up already,but this site does a better job capping and alot more of them……..Thanks
i sent you messages but you’ve haven’t answered any yet so i hope you see this :) would you be able to screen cap “Bethel loft sessions come to me” sung by Jenn Johnson!!!???
While I can’t exactly become a premium member at the moment, I figured I might as well make a donation to help speed things along with a few of the movies I requested on your to-do list waiting to be capped. I sent you an email a few days ago, but I don’t know if you received ir yet or not.
The donation I made on DisneyScreencaps.com was $25 same as premium member yearly membership. There are quite a few others which I haven’t requested as I don’t want to pressure you, but I figured I might as well start off with five; I hope that’s not too much to ask. If you’d like, I can make future donations. Please let me know if this works for you, and please let me know when you get this email.
Noticed you haven’t posted any new here movies in a while. Are you doing movies for disneyscreencaps.com for the time being or are you just taking a break from it?
For some reason I can’t seem to log in to the site. I’ve tried logging in and refreshing the page, but I’m still not logged in. Is there some kind of technical issue I should know about? Please help me out here. )-:
No issues that I’m aware of! Have you tried clearing your browser cache?
No, but there’s something else going on. Whenever I try to log in even when I enter the wrong password it still says “Login successful” but still shows me as logged out. And what do you do exactly to clear your browser cache?
this site fucking sucks, i have tried logging in a dozen times, and it will not let me.
fuck this site, keepos saying wrong password, or does not go past the login page!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
why are you putting a block on the r movies, thats just fucking dumb. i can go to other sites and search the same fucking movies.
asshole. fuck this site.
Hi gary,
Thanks for your comment. I’m sorry to hear you’re having trouble logging into the site, that’s definitely not the way it’s supposed to be. This site has 300+ members, and no one else has trouble signing up or logging in. :-) If you’re having trouble with the password, I can reset it for you if you want? Is ‘thomas’ your username?
I’m not ‘blocking’ the R movies – just hiding them from the general public. I do get a lot of young visitors, kids, who shouldn’t be exposed to caps of extreme violence or nudity. Plus, this site is partially funded by the Google Ads I have running, and Google also has very strict guidelines regarding what content can be displayed on the site to the general public. So for those reasons, I have made this content for members-only.
I’m disappointed you didn’t even bother to send me a quick email – I am happy to help you out and try to fix whatever issues you are having. Don’t hesitate to reply back if you’d like access to the site after all. :)
Really like the design of your website. Is it something you have built yourself or is it a wordpress template or something like that. Keep up the good work, lots of great caps here.
Hiya, it’s a WordPress template from Cosmo Themes. Thank you! :)