Star Trek: Insurrection (1998)

Lt. Commander Data, on a mission to observe the race of Ba’ku, suddenly behaves as if having to fear for his existence. The peaceful Ba’ku, whose planet offers regenerative radiation and therefore incredible lifespans, live in harmony with nature and reject any kind of technology. Their planet and their culture is studied by Starfleet and the associated Son’a – in secrecy. But the So’na, lead by Ru’afo, intend to abduct the Ba’ku in order to take the planet for themselves and for the Starfleet officials who all would like to regenerate their bodies. But they did not think of the loyalty of Captain Picard and the crew of the Enterprise-E to the Prime Directive. Written by Julian Reischl <[email protected]>

Engage! Captain Jean-Luc Picard and his Next Generation crew are back. From the beginning of the Federation, the Prime Directive was clear: no Starfleet expedition may interfere with the natural development of other civilizations. But now Picard is confronted with orders that undermine that decree. If he obeys, 600 peaceful residents of Ba’ku will be forcibly removed from their remarkable world, all for the reportedly greater good of millions who will benefit from the Ba’ku’s Fountain of Youth-like powers. If he disobeys, he will risk his starship, his career, his life. But for Picard, there’s really only one choice. He must rebel against Starfleet… and lead the insurrection to preserve Paradise.

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