The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2 (2012)
The final Twilight Saga begins with Bella now a vampire learning to use her abilities. And happy to see her daughter, Renesmme is flourishing. But when someone sees Renesmme do something that makes them think that she was turned. This person goes to the Volturri, because it is a violation to turn a child. And the penalty is death for both who turned the child into a vampire and the child, cause they deem a turned child too dangerous. Alice gets a vision of the Volturri coming after them. So the Cullens try to convince them that Renesmme is not a threat. So they ask friends and family to come stand with them. But when someone who has it in for the Volturri shows up and tells them they should be ready for a fight. And they get ready.
[…] Summit Entertainment / Via movie-screencaps.com […]
[…] Summit Entertainment / Via movie-screencaps.com […]
Hey! I’ve using your screencaps to make edits on @memoriestwilight follow us!
My Twilight instagram fanpage is @forksedits. You’ll be able to see what I create there :)
I have used Emmet’s Scrennscaps for making an aesthetic of him. You can check my account on Instagram @twilightedom
I really adore your screencaps they are so usefull and HQ check out @twilightmelody and @memoriestwilight on instagram to see what I madw from these amazing pics
I always use those screencaps to my edits on tumblr, like these: pattinsonswife.tumblr.com/tagged/photoshop (: thanks!
I’ve been using these screen caps to make edits for my Instagram account: @ilovetwilightforever ! Thanks so much (:
Do you think you could put up screencaps of The Conjuring please?
Hi, I really, really love this site from you. And I would like to download them as well. Thank you
Hi, first of all – congratulation to this gorgeous website! I really like the design and how many ways you´re offering for searching. I´ve locked around for high quality screencaps for some time and yours are really good. So I really would like to use your caps (especially the twilight and hp movies and these are many caps) for fanarts but I haven`t found a possibility to download them all at once as a zip file – or am I blind? If not is there any chance to get zip files from you? Would be great to hear from you :)
ps. I can´t send you a pm, firefox tells me about “word press failure notice”?!
Eclipse?Dov’è?Ma perchè non c’è mai!??!!Che vi costa metterlo:Avete messo Twilight che è più vecchio,e non mettete Eclipse!Dai Per favore….Io comunque attendo…
scusate ma è così difficile mettere anche il fanpop di Eclipse?! Avevo già fatto la richiesta 2 volte ma a quanto pare non le avete lette!!Ma scusate,li avete messi di tutti tranne di Eclipse!!!Io li considero tutti uguali:da Twilight a Breaking dawn 2! Non faccio mica differenza io!Quindi,siccome sto prendendo tutti i baci di Edward e Bella ,vorrei anke quelli di Eclipse!grazie e attendo con ansia questo benedetto fanpop!<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
scusate sono ancora io,lo so che sembrerò ripetitiva ma avevo fatto una richiesta specifica per quanto riguarda il fanpop di Eclipse ma l’avevo richiesto nella pagina del fanpop di new moon,quindi forse potrebbe non essere stata letta.Per questo motivo la rifaccio:vorrei chiedere se è possibile mettere anche il funpop di Eclipse!Grazie.attendo…
grazie tante sono bellissimi i fanpop di twilight e breaking dawn 2!!!!!Ma non potreste mettere anche gli altri della saga che prima c’erano!!!non so perchè li avete tolti!!!Perfavore!!!!!!!?????????Grazie.Avete un sito stupendo non togliete Mai quelli della saga di twilight!!!!!Vi prego!!!!!!
I don’t know if it was already up there before it crashed, but could you put up The Outsiders? I luv Rob Lowe in that movie, so cute.